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Do you know that?

  • Hypnotherapist

    Is a health professional trained in utilizing hypnosis as a form of therapeutic intervention. Hypnotherapists combine the power of hypnosis and hypnotic inductions with a deeper therapeutic understanding of the complexity of a client’s problems to make a permanent change in their lives.

Psychology Today


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Recommended links

Display # 
# Web Link
1   Link   Ackerman Institute for the Family
2   Link   Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland
3   Link   Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland
4   Link   National Guild of Hypnotists
5   Link   New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse services
6   Link   OASAS On-Line Verification
7   Link   Office of Professions On-Line License Verifications
8   Link   Office of Professions
9   Link   Polish Pages
10   Link   Psychology Today
11   Link   Silva Method
12   Link   Saint Mark’s Place Institute for Mental Health
13   Link   William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology
14   Link   Kurier Plus - Polish weekly magazine

Do you know that?

  • Psychiatrist

    Is a physician who obtained education in a medical school and specializes in diagnosing and treating mental disorders by utilizing medical interventions and medications.